Your building’s roof is the most important line of defense against the elements, making it crucial to choose the best Houston roofing company in the business. Whether you need to install commercial roofing, replace an older roof, or take care of preventative roofing maintenance, it pays to take your time and make a smart choice. Here’s what you need to know to choose a commercial roofer who excels at this specialty so you can enjoy durable and efficient commercial roofing.

How To Pick the Best Houston Roofing Materials

Roofing Maintenance worker on a rooftop - commercial roofing in 2023

Your choice of material is crucial for commercial roofing in Houston. The best roofing materials for our local climate will stand up to direct sunlight, significant heat, strong storms, and hail. Here are a few commercial roofing solutions to consider:

Single-ply EPDM Membrane:

EPDM rubber membranes are a popular option for commercial roofing. They’re durable, flexible, waterproof, and relatively easy to install or repair. The right system can last 20–30 years.

Modified Bitumen Roofing:

With heat-reflective properties, cold-installation methods, and considerable strength, modified bitumen is often used in commercial settings. This option also provides excellent hail resistance.

Built-up roofing:

Built-up roofs combine the best qualities of bitumen with reinforced layers of special fabric. This provides unparalleled strength and impact resistance. You can even add this type of roof above existing materials for easier replacement.

Thermoplastic membrane:

TPO roofs are highly resistant to corrosive chemicals, UV rays, heat, tearing, fires, and intense winds. They have exceptional reflective properties for energy efficiency.
Choose a commercial roofer who’s knowledgeable about all of these options. In industrial settings, you may need a heavy-duty coating that can stand up to harsh chemicals. Roofs that see regular foot traffic need strong and flexible materials. Houston’s intense sunlight can add a lot to cooling costs, especially for a large building.

Reflective coatings deflect many of the sun’s rays, reducing the amount of electricity needed for HVAC systems. Consult with an experienced roofer for expert advice on the best commercial roofing in 2023.

How To Find the Best Houston Roofing Company

metal roof on commercial property detail

Choosing the best commercial roofing company is just as important as the type of roof you want for your building. The best Houston roofing company will streamline everything from installation to follow-up maintenance. Here are a few things to look for when searching for a contractor:

Certification: Only work with a commercial roofing team that has licensed professionals. Expert installation is key to having a high-quality roof that stands up to intense weather. The best companies are proud to show off their credentials.

Insurance: Make sure that the company you select is completely insured. Liability insurance should cover both property damage and worker injuries. Installation guarantees tell you that your investment is protected for many years.

Price: The cheapest estimate rarely produces the best results. Roofing companies offering rock-bottom prices usually find ways to cut corners. It’s worth it to invest in the best Houston roofing company you can find.

Reputation: Excellent reviews from past and present customers are a great indicator of high-quality work. It’s also a great idea to check out work portfolios that showcase past projects when you’re trying to choose a commercial roofer.

Experience: Having decades of experience is a strong indicator that a company does incredible work. Experienced professionals are valuable because they follow correct techniques and can adapt to unexpected issues.

There’s often a direct relationship between the professionals you choose and how long your commercial roof lasts. Working with the best Houston roofing company can give you amazing results. This keeps your roof operating at peak performance and saves you money long-term.

Why Invest in Regular Maintenance and Roof Repair in Houston?

green metal roof on a commercial property

If you notice leaks, it’s important to contact roof repair Houston specialists right away. Taking care of smaller leaks immediately can help you avoid serious issues later. Make routine maintenance part of your care plan for commercial roofing in 2023. Preventative maintenance can extend the life of your roofing and prevent future repair costs, as professionals can detect signs of wear and tear before they cause moisture damage or membrane failure.

To learn more about commercial roofing solutions, contact Guardian Roofing. Find out why businesses choose our team as the best Houston roofing company for commercial roofing in 2023. We have an excellent reputation for work of the highest quality, and we provide a wide range of installation, maintenance, and roof repair services. Schedule an appointment with our experts right away for a free estimate.


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How To Choose the Best Commercial Roofing in Houston for 2023 | Guardian Roofing – Houston, TX

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